Report a concern
Have you seen something that may amount to human trafficking?
Report a Concern
If you are a victim of trafficking, or have a suspicion that some else is, you should contact An Garda Síochána (the Irish Police), who can help or provide advice.
You can report concerns by;
Calling the Garda Confidential Telephone Number:
1800 666 111
Or through e-mailing blueblindfold@garda.ie
For more information please visit blueblindfold.gov.ie
In an emergency please call: 999/112
*Concerns will be directed to Blue Blindfold and blueblindfold@garda.ie
All contact is dealt with in the strictest of confidence. While there is no requirement to provide your name or address, we would ask that you provide as much information as you can to enable An Garda Síochána to investigate thoroughly.
In addition to contacting the Gardaí, we have put together a list of organizations and services under the resources section that can be contacted to provide support, assistance and onward referral.