Case Studies - Labour Exploitation
Human Trafficking for the Purposes of Labour Exploitation
What’s it all about, is it just poor pay?
The Migrant Right’s Centre Ireland (MRCI) assists those who have been subjected to labour trafficking or exploitation at work. Here The MRCI have compiled quotes and statements from their work with victims of human trafficking which illustrates the often degrading and harmful treatment while also showing the level of control exerted over victims.
Case study one - Cannabis Growhouse
“He was told not to leave the growhouse. He was afraid of leaving as he did not have any documents and he did not know where to go”.
Case study two
David lived in a truck shared with 5 other people and with no access to a bathroom.
Case study three
Mary came to Ireland as a domestic worker. She was promised a bedroom and the national minimum wage. Instead, she slept on the floor, and received no salary.
Case study four
Paul worked in a restaurant for 7 years, earning at most €2 per hour.
Case study five
Alan was forced to work 16 hours a day, 7 days a week; his salary was €50 a week and a sandwich per day.
Case study five
Susan was forced to work 2 months without pay to get her passport back from her employer.
To learn more about Human Trafficking for the purposes of labour exploitation please visit the ‘Know the Signs’ section of this website.
To learn more about the work of The MRCI please visit www.mrci.ie